Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Hey everybody.

I used to do a blog called "Angry Black-White Girl." I'm not really angry anymore. I mean, I'm still passionate about changing the injustices in the world, but I am no longer characterized by the kind of righteous indignation that felt like one of my defining features when I started ABWG blog. I'm less in a place of having to feel like a have to prove that I'm a person of color and down for the cause because I am light-skinned and mixed-race. Having just graduated from college with a degree in Ethnic Studies, I'm more in a place of "WTF do I do now?" Not just for money, but also with the weight of the world which my studies have exposed me too and my professors have bestowed upon me. I spent this last semester studying how fucked up the American prison, welfare and immigration systems are.  When I wasn't doing that, I was researching blackface minstrelsy and queer and transgender suicide for my thesis on how QTPOC (queer and transgender people of color's) performance art can save lives. I am very glad to be done with school. My eyes have been opened, but it's hard to figure out what to do with all this new and overwhelming(ly) depressing knowledge. But don't worry, this blog won't all just me wringing my hands about what I'm gonna do with the rest of my life. It will still have the kinds of social commentary, news updates and cultural obsessions that ABWG brought you. However, unlike ABWG, instead of posting so much depressing stuff that I eventually devolve into just posting dance videos, I'm going to try and keep a more even balance or serious stuff, fun stuff and more general musings. Please keep the comments coming.


  1. Nia?

    It's Tim Sogard!

    Are you really in Oakland? I am too. Email me at thetim _@_ (strike the _') sometime!

    I like your blog!
